F3 Wellness Connections

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Screw Those New Year's Resolutions: Why It's Time To Take Charge of YOUR Wellness Journey

Every year people around the world “commit” to the trend of setting a New Year’s Resolution — and every year, people fail. Whether the resolution is to lose fifty pounds or lift weights every day, there are myriad reasons people “fall off the wagon” and give up on those “resolutions” so quickly. In fact, research shows that nearly 43% of people who set these so-called commitments expect to give up on them by February!

But I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to be one of those people. I’m here to tell you that you can do everything you set out to do on your fitness journey — without setting unrealistic expectations and bending to the disappointment of “giving up” on your New Year’s Resolutions.

We hear all kinds of excuses at F3…

“I travel too much…”

“I don’t have time because of my family and my kids…”

“My job has me working crazy hours…”

“I can’t afford to make health and wellness my priority…”

Sound familiar?

The thing about these excuses is that they’re just that — excuses! And when we pair them with unrealistic, far too intense goals, it’s easy to understand why we look at those resolutions and think, “Well, maybe next year.”

When it comes to setting and meeting reasonable health and wellness goals, the line between perseverance and quitting often comes down to poor planning or not having a good strategy in place. Consistency is a familiar culprit, and it goes hand in hand with overpromising: If you tell yourself you’re going to lose 60 pounds by the end of March, it’s easy to get quickly overwhelmed with the amount of work you’ve set up for yourself.

Instead, creativity, fun, and consistence are the secret to seeing results. There are easy and sustainable ways to stay on track with your fitness goals, especially when you team up with a certified expert, like our team of professional personal trainers here at F3.

The first step is to create a reasonable goal. Not something vague like “Lose weight” or “Work out more” or “Eat less red meat.” Think concrete, attainable goals: “Lose ten pounds by the first day of spring.” “Fit into my old tux in time for my daughter’s wedding.” “Practice ‘Meatless Monday’ by cooking healthy, nutritious meat-free meals for the whole month of January.”

See the difference?

The second step is to write that down. Suddenly, those lofty New Year’s Resolutions have become concrete, attainable goals you can keep in front of you so you see them every day — and have ways to track your progress. Simply putting your goals down on paper makes you more confident and more likely to complete them.

Finally, be creative. Flexibility, improvisation, and a healthy dose of fun are all key ingredients for a nutrition and fitness plan that works for you. Do you have a business trip coming up in February? Throw some resistance bands in your suitcase today so you can complete your workouts on the go. Not a fan of the gym? Research local hiking or biking trails in your neighborhood. Overwhelmed by all your options? Enlist a friend or a certified personal trainer to help you stay on track.

In my experience over years of working with clients and friends, I find that holding yourself accountable to doing some kind of exercise every day reaps endless benefits. The best part is that this “exercise” can be anything you want it to be: a step goal to reach for the day, a few rounds of a dancing video game with your kids, or a walk around the neighborhood with your dog every afternoon. With today’s technology, you can find an app or smart watch to assist in your tracking and hold yourself accountable.

The key is simplicity and authenticity — find a challenge or an exercise that is conducive with your environment and your interests and you’ll be shocked at how often that lofty goal becomes part of your daily routine. The most important thing is that you’re following through every day.

If you take one thing away from this session, it’s to stop thinking of the term “New Year’s Resolution.” Instead, think of your own resolve. Think of your goals. Think of your commitment. Think of your healthy dose of stubbornness and your dedication to yourself, to becoming the healthiest and fittest version of yourself you can be.

Think of your own resolve to be a better, healthier, fitter version of yourself in 2023 — and then make it a reality!

For help getting started, get in touch with the certified personal training experts here at F3 Wellness Connections. We can craft the perfect workout and nutrition plans to get you started with the best exercises and recipes for you, no matter your budget or experience level.

Let’s make 2023 an incredible year — together!

In health,
Glenn Seth & the F3 Wellness Connections Team