F3 Wellness Connections

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4 Reasons Working Out With Your Partner Is Linked To Better Results

We are in the month of love, and there’s a reason Valentine’s Day is the most romantic holiday of the year! When the sparks start to fly, it’s no surprise that everything else in our lives heats up. In fact, there are scientifically-backed reasons why working out with your romantic partner improves your results in the gym.

Here are four reasons you should add a partners’ workout or a gym date to your Valentine’s Day plans!

Working out together can make you feel happier and more secure in your relationship.

According to a study through the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, couples who do more together feel happier and more secure together! The study was based on couples who took part in “novel and arousing" activities, which included things like (get your mind out of the gutter) working out together, going for hikes together, and other active, sweat-boosting couples’ activities. According to the study, people who practiced these activities together reported more relationship satisfaction and higher relationship quality!

This is all to say that doing something exciting and different with your partner boosts your good feelings and makes you happier and more secure in your relationship.

A routine with your partner can make you fall (more!) in love.

This is some cool science: the physical impressions of a hard workout — shortness of breath, an increased heartrate, sweat, and red cheeks — feel the same way to your brain as feelings of physical attraction. That means, when you get all hot and bothered with your partner, you’re automatically increasing the feelings of physical attraction between you! You heard it here first, folks: gym dates REALLY work!

Working out together increases the emotional bond you feel with your partner.

Have you ever heard of something called “nonverbal mimicry”? This psychological term refers to the empathic/sympathetic feelings we have when someone is near us: we begin to “mimic” their nonverbal signals, like smiling when someone else smiles, nodding when someone nods at you, or otherwise feeling “in tune” with your partner. You know those days when you’re just so in sync, it feels like your relationship is invincible, and you and your partner could take on the world? That’s all because of nonverbal mimicry, and working out together is one way you and your partner can — scientifically! — increase your bodies’ natural responses to each other, thereby increasing your natural nonverbal mimicry.

In simpler terms? Working out together puts you on the same page, and being on the same page just means you get along better!

Things get a little heated… if you know what we mean!

Finally, working out with your boyfriend, girlfriend, or partner is an extremely good way to fan the flame in your relationship. Whether you’re looking for a new spark or just wanting to enjoy more… ahem… “quality time” together, aerobic exercise is scientifically proven to increase testosterone levels after a workout, which is linked to increased libido and sexual performance. Basically, you feel sexier after you work out, and it shows!

Studies show this increase can be found in anyone, regardless of their body type, biology, or sexuality. The simple truth is that getting hot and bothered makes you, well, hot and bothered! Plus, it’s always nice to see how capital-H Hot your partner looks during an impressive kettlebell workout!

Wherever your Valentine’s Day plans may take you, we hope you know the F3 team is here to help! We are proud to offer personal training at home, in our gyms, or virtually via Zoom for partners, individuals, small groups, and more. Just get in touch at sarah@f3wellnessconnections.com to learn more about our partner training methodologies — and schedule a FREE 30-minute full-body health and wellness consultation!