F3 Wellness Connections

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3 Ways to Boost Your Employees' -- And Residents'! -- Wellness This Summer

Employee and resident wellness is a serious business. At F3 Wellness Connections, we understand you want to make a difference and improve the health and well-being of your employees and residents. Unfortunately, many corporate owners and apartment complexes see wellness programs as just another box to check in their busy lives. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Here are three ways F3 can improve your wellness program and impact your employees' and residents' overall wellbeing.  


Yoga Classes

There is an endless list of benefits when it comes to adding yoga into your daily routine, and many employers and organizations are starting to see how important it is. Yoga is not just about being able to perform complicated poses and movements. It is a holistic approach to physical and mental health, as well as a person's well-being and personal growth.

Offering yoga classes to your employees and residents is pretty simple. The only equipment required for a yoga session is some floor mats and a bunch of willing participants with a strong desire for a healthier, more fulfilled life. Hosting classes for your organization can help relieve stress, boost energy levels, enhance concentration, improve productivity, and create a harmonious work and living environment. At F3, we offer both group and private options for yoga classes. We also have a guided meditation class to help your employees or residents find their center and focus on relaxation.


Fitness Challenges

Fitness challenges are one of the best ways to kickstart your company’s well-being into gear. A good fitness challenge will ignite friendly competition among coworkers and add a little fun to the workday. For example, implementing a step challenge can inspire your team to push themselves further. Set a company goal and determine a prize for when the team reaches its goal. In addition, award individual prizes to those who exceed their step goals.

Having set and shared personal goals is an essential step to successful challenges like this. Getting everyone on board takes a combination of the right message, tools, and strategies. At F3 Wellness Connections, we can help curate fitness challenges and contests for your organization that can help take your wellness program to the next level. 


Lunch & Healthy Snacks

We’ve all been there. When you’re having a stressful day and are hungry, grabbing something quick, like your favorite comfort food from the vending machine, is all you want to do. However, there are ways to supply your employees and residents with healthy foods that still taste good and are enjoyable to eat. You can also lower prices on nutritious items in an employee or resident canteen to incentivize your employees to choose healthier snacks.

Another way to encourage healthy eating among employees is to let them know it’s okay to take a real lunch break. When employees feel like they can’t take the time to have lunch, that’s when they might reach for a quick, unhealthy meal or snack. F3’s Lunch n’ Learn sessions are a great way to promote good nutrition in the workplace. These sessions are tailored to topics your employees want to hear about and will benefit from, such as managing cravings and stress eating, introducing immune-boosting foods, setting and sticking to nutritional goals, and more. We also offer virtual cooking and mixology classes for remote teams. 


If you’d like to learn more about how we can be an asset to your company wellness program, contact us today!