F3 Wellness Connections

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Celebrate Global Employee Fitness and Wellness Month

May is Global Employee Health and Fitness Month, an international initiative that prioritizes health and fitness in the workplace.  Across the world, businesses are becoming more aware of their employees' physical and mental well-being. After all, a healthy worker is a happy worker. Here's what you need to know about Global Employee Health and Fitness Month and how your business can participate. 


History of Global Employee Health and Fitness Month

Global Employee Health and Fitness Month was launched in 1989 by the National Association for Health and Fitness, a nonprofit association with a mission to improve the health of Americans since being founded in 1979. Since then, the concept of employers and employees taking a cooperative, proactive approach to personal health has dramatically improved. Today, many businesses urge their employees to participate in projects and activities that have physical and mental health benefits. Additionally, these organizations offer fitness trackers, gym memberships, and other perks to get workers moving.


Why Should Businesses Participate in Global Employee Health and Fitness Month?

Employees are a company’s most valuable resource, and investing in their health is essential to running a successful business. Studies show that making employee health a priority can improve morale, decrease absenteeism, boost productivity, and lower employee healthcare and insurance costs. Corporate employee health initiatives can also serve as recruiting tools.


Ways to Celebrate Global Employee Health and Fitness Month

There are many things both employees and employers can do to celebrate Global Employee Health and Fitness Month and inspire progress:

  • Create games or other initiatives to encourage employees to park farther away from the building or take the stairs instead of the elevator. 

  • Promote “walking” meetings where you walk around the building instead of gathering in meeting rooms.

  • Give away inexpensive games or objects that promote outdoor activities, such as frisbees, beach balls, hula hoops, soccer balls, etc. 

  • Provide your team with an employee discount rate for theme parks or physically active events like roller skating, skiing, golf, or even indoor rock climbing. 

  • Offer group discounts for local gyms and workout facilities.

  • Bring in an outside resource like an nutritionist or trainer to talk about healthy eating and living.

  • Host healthy cooking demonstrations and stock your break room with healthy snacks.

  • Help educate employees with information sessions on the benefits of their insurance like free check-ups, preventative care, etc.

  • Offer on-site massages for employees and meditation classes to help decrease stress. 

  • Host annual on-site exercise classes, yoga sessions, or fitness classes.


Remember: Leaders Set the Example

Employee health and fitness shouldn't just be a priority one month of the year. It’s an important initiative that you should promote year-round, reinforced from the top down. That’s why it’s crucial for business leaders to be present and engaged with company health initiatives. For those in management or other leadership roles, let your employees know it’s more than ok for them to take a break and go for a walk. Getting 20 minutes of exercise or movement during the workday is a great way to set the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. 


At F3, our corporate wellness plans offer opportunities to dive deeper into nutrition, personal training, massage therapy, plus the classic fitness classes your employees know and love. Contact us today to schedule your free corporate wellness consultation. Let us help with your journey toward total wellness—inside and out of the office.