Core Stability and Kettlebells

When you read anything about fitness, you’re sure to see plenty of information regarding core stability. But what exactly is your core? Most people mistakenly think that their core is just the abdominal muscles, but it actually includes all of the muscles surrounding your lumbar spine and pelvis.

Core stability provides a solid base from which to perform your daily movements. Your core involves several muscle groups:

  • Transverse abdominus

  • Obliques

  • Rectus abdominus

  • Multifidis

  • Diaphragm

  • Pelvic Floor Muscles

Benefits of Core Stability

Strong core muscles will help other muscle groups work more efficiently, including the pectorals, hamstrings, and gluteal muscles.

Core stability is also an essential component of injury rehabilitation, not only for low back pain, but also for other injuries such as hamstring strain and shoulder pain. It provides stability through the underlying muscles that support movement. It is commonly used by physical and sports therapists.

Other benefits of core stability include:

  • Prevent injuries

  • Improve balance.

  • Improve strength; twisting movements can aid in sport-specific training, such as throwing a ball, swinging a racket, or swimming.

  • Reduce back pain.

  • Improve athletic performance.

  • Improve posture.

What can kettlebell training do?

Kettlebell training requires you to engage your core in almost every lift. It consists of whole-body movement exercises, which strengthen every muscle in the body. It’s well-known that compound, whole body movements typical of kettlebell exercises are superior to machines that isolate muscles for improving muscle tone, body composition, and strength. Every time you swing, squat, or press with a kettlebell, you are strengthening your core muscles.

Core Strengthening

Even if you are not an athlete, kettlebell training uses fundamental movement patterns making everyday activities easier and injury less likely. You will stand taller, carry packages easier, climb stairs with less effort and have more energy. Kettlebell training offers the most functional training possible, because the parts of the body must work as a unit.

A strong core will allow you to maintain proper body alignment in whatever exercise or sport you are doing, as well as in your day-to-day activities. Whether it’s for injury prevention or increasing strength, there are no downsides to core exercises. Everyone and anyone can benefit from increasing core stability.

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