How Online Training Can Help With Your Fitness Accountability

Does this sound familiar?

You want to get in shape, lose weight, and build more muscle. So, you go ahead and join a gym. You have a lot of momentum and motivation at first, but it slowly starts to fade. Life happens. It’s cold out, you have to stay late at work, you get sick, you aren’t seeing results fast enough, and before you know it, it’s back to unhealthy food choices, and you haven’t had a good workout in months.

Unfortunately, this is an all too common cycle that many people find themselves stuck in when they aren’t held accountable. 

If you can relate, it’s time to try online training.

When working with one of F3’s certified personal trainers online, you’ll receive exercise recommendations specific to your goals, help with form to ensure you’re performing exercises correctly, and guidance on forming healthy eating habits. Plus, there’s something else that a personal trainer provides that might be even more important than all of these things -- ACCOUNTABILITY


Here are some reasons why online personal training can significantly improve your level of fitness accountability:


No Skipping!

When you work with a personal trainer, you are less likely to skip a workout. When you commit to a training session, you feel more obligated to show up. If you don’t, you know you’ll have to answer to your trainer eventually. You might get this same kind of accountability from a good workout partner. However, your trainer has a vested interest in your success. Not only do they want you to see results, but your results are also a direct reflection of your trainer’s skills and expertise. When you succeed, your trainer succeeds! 


Money = Motivation

Money is a great motivator. When you pay for your trainer’s knowledge and expertise, you want to see something in return. So if money is involved, you’re not going to slack off. 


The Power of Accountability

Forming healthy habits and routines is tough. Exercising is hard work and tiring. So, when you want to give up halfway through a session, your trainer is there to keep you going. Not only will they make sure your programming is in line with your fitness goals, but they will also make you accountable while you’re working out. There will be no skipped reps, no unnecessary breaks, and no giving up! Instead, your trainer is there to ensure you’re doing the right exercises (even the tough ones), with the right amount of weight to reach your goals, and motivate you along the way!


Tracking Progress

Your trainer will work with you to track your progress. If you skip workouts and eat unhealthy food, they will know. And you know if you fall off track, you’re going to answer for it. 

At F3 Wellness Connections, we want to help you reach your fitness goals. Our trainers will push you, motivate you, and most importantly, keep you accountable to get the results you want. Start with a FREE virtual wellness consultation and speak with an instructor about your needs and goals, and we’ll design a program just for you! 

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